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Hi, My name is Peter, and I'm a registered British Dental Surgeon working as the senior partner in a private dental practice in Ferndown, Dorset, United Kingdom.

To switch off from work I frequently go flying and am an active member of Bournemouth Flying Club (www.bfclub.co.uk)

My interest in flying was encouraged by my father who was an Air Traffic Control Officer (ATCO) in the Fleet Air Arm.

My flying started in mid teens when I took up gliding, moved on to hang gliding in the late 70's and on to early microlight flying (flex wing 'trikes'). I gained one of the first Group D PPL's (microlights) when introduced by the Civil Aviation Authority in 1982.

The Group D PPL was added to by a Group A licence to fly light aircraft in 1984.

I now have about 300 hours flying experience on light aircraft and have gained a night rating and also an IMC rating (basic Instrument Rating).

The aim writing this web is to share some experiences, photos and videos with other pilots and people interested in flying.

DA40 and me visiting Turweston


What's New?

Recent fast trip to Guernsey from Bournemouth in a Piper Turbo Arrow

go to page 'Recent Flights'

Here I will add an entry whenever I make an update to my web site. Where appropriate, I'll include a link to the change.

Please get in touch with any comments or reactions to my site.

Arrow Flies to Guernsey